Стоматологический центр

Минск, пр-т Победителей, 75/1

Пн-Сб: с 9:00 до 20:00

ВС: выходной

Medical tourism in Minsk

Medical tourism in Minsk

Such a phenomenon as dental tourism is developed in countries where high prices for dental services are offered. The service originated in the 1980s, but there were few takers due to doubts about the quality of the services offered. But over time, the direction began to develop and now: dental tourism is widespread, it is used by many Russians.

Our company offers dental services to foreign persons. A variety of services will allow you to choose a suitable option for the need and cost.

Features of dental tourism

The main advantage of such a trip is the economy, when, for example, prosthetics, will cost much more profitable. When visiting clinics in their country, the patient can previously learn the suggestions of other dentists and think that it is better to go thousands of kilometers and do the work much cheaper.

Also positive aspects of such tourism is the variety of services provided by the host clinic. You can order painless treatment, tooth extraction, implantation, prosthetics, whitening or alignment of the bite. We employ the most professional dentists, which ensures your confidence in getting a healthy and white smile for many years.

Our dental center is located in Minsk, the capital of the Republic of Belarus. Regular admission of patients from different countries is carried out.

Each client is satisfied with the results. Especially noted in our work efficiency, completeness of consultations, minimum prices and quality of therapy. Therefore, to get decent results and significant budget savings, you can safely plan a dental tour to our clinic!

Our main advantage:

Tell us about your problem using the convenient feedback form.

Send 3D tomography or panoramic image

Get a ready treatment plan from the leading specialists of the dental clinic "NikaVita". It will indicate the duration of treatment and the preliminary cost.

Discuss all organizational issues with the administrator of the center: visit time, tickets, accommodation prices, etc.

Удобный способ связикакими месенджерами Вы пользуетесь?


We will be glad to provide assistance in organizing trips to the dental clinic «Nikavita», to make your stay in the city pleasant, useful and comfortable. For experts, nothing is unreal. Come to Minsk for quality services, and in your free time you can get acquainted with the National library, Trinity estate, Nesvizh and Mir castles, and other attractions.

Dental Center «Nikavita» will be glad to provide each client with dental care in Belarus, carrying out an individual approach. To get a free consultation, just leave your application!

Онлайн запись на прием

После получения вашей заявки, мы свяжемся с вами для уточнения подробностей, удобного времени посещения и подтверждения записи на прием.

*Отправляя заявку, Вы подтверждаете, что полностью ознакомлены и согласны с условиями соглашения о сборе и обработке персональных данных.

Наши врачи


Заботьтесь о здоровье вашей улыбки!

Своевременная диагностика и лечение заболеваний полости рта позволит избежать длительного и дорогостоящего лечения в будущем.

Информация подготовлена специалистами стоматологической клиники "Никавита"

Стоматологический центр “НИКАВИТА”

При посещении нашей клиники:

Пожалуйста, используйте маску при посещении клиники!

После получения Вашей записи администратор незамедлительно свяжется с Вами для уточнения удобной даты посещения и других подробностей

*Отправляя заявку, Вы подтверждаете, что полностью ознакомлены и согласны с условиями соглашения о сборе и обработке персональных данных.

Компьютерная 3D томография зубов

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Высочайшее качество 3D снимков
Компьютерная томография
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